Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 25 - The Long Weekend

Happy Happy All My Friends,

So, let's start from the beginning, shall we?

It all started 25 days ago when I was informed that my services were not needed anymore. Now, I know what most people will do in this situation. They will either get really pissed and yell or they will cry. Neither of these applied to me. As I sat there and listened to the 5 minute explanation of why my services were no longer needed, I was able to breath again. You see, I felt like at the age of 28 that I was going to literally have a heart attack. Now this is where America and especially corporate America might be in some trouble. In no way shape or form should a 28 year old ever feel like they are going to have to be put on a stretcher and be wheeled into an ER with a numb left arm and a heart beating (or not beating) in a crazy fashion.
I'm not to say that every job out there won't have its stressful moments, but listen followers (2 as of right now! Yay!), no career should ever do that to you. If it does, you may want to reconsider your priorities of getting that new LV handbag or that new 50 inch LCD TV as your meaning to work.

So, I was led out and went down that elevator for the last time (seeing that you need a badge to get past "security") and went outside and let out a sigh of relief. Now here's the interesting part... I still belong to the gym in the building. So you know what I did that day? No... I didn't cry, I didn't curse everybody's existence. No, I went directly to the gym. There will be more on my love of fitness in future blogs, but let's just say I had an extended work out.

In the following weeks, many thoughts and ideas have come into my head on what I would like to do with my "life" and where I will be going. These ideas will come shortly, as will the weeks preceding Day 25. However, for all those listening, my heart is once again back to normal. And you know what? Now I always take the stairs.

Deep Thoughts for Friday:

7 Day Weekend! Every Weekend! Now don't that beat all?

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