Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 35 - Recovery

Hello All!

I am back from my vacation in Wine Country (aka Sonoma) and I am feeling a little sluggish. What would you expect from a crazy weekend filled with waking up early on Friday, connecting flights, Friday night at the winery, Saturday pool day, Saturday evening on top of a mountain, Saturday night having dinner by the pool while freezing my tush off and then the hot tub... Oh the hot tub...

And now it's Monday. I have come back to limited sleep, still a little hungover and definitely ready to start my main move to making my second million.

I've been contacted by some interesting positions over the past few days. Voicemails from so calleed "sales jobs" that are actually just door to door sales. During my stint at MSU, I fell for one of these traps. They stuck us in a car with the "sales consultant" and proceeded to tell us that the company dealt with the Lansing Lugnuts, MSU and some other big name companies. Perhaps you have even seen one of these "dream" jobs in the newspaper and got excited. Well, if you are excited about doing door to door sales, then maybe it is your dream job. At the meeting in the morning, they never informed us what they exactly do. We found out pretty quick. A group of four of us (including the one salesman) piled into a car and went to our first "meeting". Um... the first meeting was the first house on a piece of paper of addresses. We were selling coupon books door to door! Ugh, I thought. My good friend who was stuck in another car actually informed the salesman to let him out on the side of the road because he was so disgusted. At the end of the day, we sat outside of the office of some 28 year old "manager". I then walked in and they said I was just the caliber they were looking for. I thanked them and said I would be in the office the next morning. Yeah, I never went in to that office.

That brings me back to this job in Austin, TX. One of my tips when doing a job search is to check out the reviews on job postings to see what the job really is. You may get some disgruntled employees or interviewees but for the most part, the review will be spot on.

Now, I have received some calls/emails from legitimate companies which I have followed up on. I will look in to those and let you know how they turn out.

October 5th... already started to get cold here in the city... MUST GET OUT!!!

Deep Thoughts for Monday:

If one glass of Vino is good for your heart, then fifty glasses a day this past weekend keeps me going through my birthday and possibly to New Years Eve. Thank you Deb and Matt for an awesome time in Sonoma!

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